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 gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World>

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Join date : 2011-01-27

gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World> Empty
PostSubject: gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World>   gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World> Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 12:33 pm

1. Do you have MSN/Yahoo and what?
MSN: koljac911@hotmail.com
Yahoo: iggrm@yahoo.com
Skype: lordkobac

2. What is your main character's in-game name?

3. Due to maturaty issues we recommend 18+ years GMs. How old are you?
I'm 15, but I have GM experience.

4. What time zone are you located in?
GMT +1
5. How long have you played on LegClMore?
Since Ful told me about it.

6. It is not a requirement but donations help the server and set a good example to newer players. Are you donator? If yes please list details.
No, I'm not a donator.

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?
8. How much time each day do you spend on WoW, on the forums or in-game?
5-6hrs when school, and 10hrs when no school.

9. If you spot a hacker he was too fast to screenshot him. What would you do to handle this kind of situation?
I would .appear and freeze him, then take a screenshot.

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?
I was GM for 1 year in Cronos-Gaming.

11. Someone asks you a question that you are not quite sure how to answer, what should you do?
I would tell them to post it on forum.

12. Before u ban or kick any player you should do 2 things.What are they/what do you think they are?
Take a screenshot and post it on forum.

Tell us a little about yourself.

13. Explain why you think you would be a good LegClMore GM.
Cause I'm very, very patient and cause I had my own test server (I was coding some stuff).

14. What interests you most about the GM position?
Helping players solve their problems, making community cheater-free...

15. What positive additions could you (or do you already) make to the server/Community?
I don't know.

16. We require all GM's to act professional at all times, this includes proper spelling and grammar. If this would be a problem for you, please explain why?
No it won't be any problem, I speak english very fluently.

17. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?
There are some things: no cooldown, instant cast, remorting.

19. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
Fix problems (bugs, etc) and help other players that need it.
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Legclmore Admin
Legclmore Admin

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-12-12
Age : 37
Location : Florida, Miami

gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World> Empty
PostSubject: Re: gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World>   gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World> Icon_minitimeThu Jan 27, 2011 1:46 pm

Succeed... 2 Weeks test, if u do well permanently...
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gm app format <Taurinjo> <Horde> <legclmore Other World>
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