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 gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World>

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2 posters


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-12-20
Age : 29
Location : Romania

gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World> Empty
PostSubject: gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World>   gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World> Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 1:49 pm

1. Do you have MSN/Yahoo and what?
ploscar.dan >> skype

2. What is your main character's in-game name?

3. Due to maturaty issues we recommend 18+ years GMs. How old are you?

4. What time zone are you located in?
Romanian Time Zone GMT +2:00

5. How long have you played on LegClMore?
1 hour.

6. It is not a requirement but donations help the server and set a good example to newer players. Are you donator? If yes please list details.

7. Have you ever been banned for any reason?
No never.

8. How much time each day do you spend on WoW, on the forums or in-game?
Aprox. 3-6 hours. If i dont need to learn 5-8 hours . Razz

9. If you spot a hacker he was too fast to screenshot him. What would you do to handle this kind of situation?
Summon him and make a screeny.

10. Have you had previous experience as a Game Master?

11. Someone asks you a question that you are not quite sure how to answer, what should you do?
Ask the Admin if the question is about the server, or if it's a random question i just take some info from the net .

12. Before u ban or kick any player you should do 2 things.What are they/what do you think they are?
Ask the Admin, GM's, what should i do. And choose the punishment.

Tell us a little about yourself.

13. Explain why you think you would be a good LegClMore GM.
Because im experimented and very open to any problem . Very Happy And social.

14. What interests you most about the GM position?
Helping the comunity of the server is the first thing for me. And help the server.

15. What positive additions could you (or do you already) make to the server/Community?

16. We require all GM's to act professional at all times, this includes proper spelling and grammar. If this would be a problem for you, please explain why?
This is not a problem. I think i speak very good english.

17. If you were going to submit a suggestion for us, what would it be?
I can't answer for this right now.

19. What do you think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
Help the comunity of the server .
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Legclmore Admin
Legclmore Admin

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-12-12
Age : 37
Location : Florida, Miami

gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World> Empty
PostSubject: Re: gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World>   gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World> Icon_minitimeMon Dec 20, 2010 1:57 pm

i am for! congratz! cheers

---> SataN <---
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gm app format <Darknes><Horde><Other World>
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