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 Server Rules_en

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Legclmore Admin
Legclmore Admin

Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-12-11
Age : 30
Location : Bochum ( Germany )

Server Rules_en Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules_en   Server Rules_en Icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 9:25 am


Player Rules

InGame Rules for LegClMore:

Please check the rules detailed below. If you agree with them, then you may proceed with entering the website.All players must follow these rules, while playing on LegClMore server.

1. Players mustn't abuse bugs. If a player find a bug,he/she should rather report it, than abusing it. Abusing can lead to a permenant ban.

2. Hacking and cheating is strictly prohibited! Any kind of program that modifies the normal way of gameplay is considered as hack. Hacking will lead to a permanent ban.

3. Every player must respect all the Administration Staff members. A administration staff member is as polite to the player,as the player is to him/her. Its up to the Game Masters, what kind of punish to enforce. This also includes attacking a tagged Game Masters. If a GM has thier ticket or tag on, a player mustn't attack them. If any tagged Game Master is doing PvP or abusing his/her powers any other way, report and they will be punished!

4. Helping the opposite faction in battlegrounds anyway, can lead to a permenant ban.

5. Insulting other players is NOT allowed,any immature language will be taken actions against.

6. Players must NOT share or trade their own acounts. This will lead to a permenant ban.

7. Haveing opposite faction in guild/party/raid at PVP realms is NOT allowed.

8. Killing people who are under level 100 is not allowed...these are people trying to get started out, and are not to be killed, instead of: if they are at oposite faction cities, Battlegrounds, or if they attack you first (do a screens for sure). The rule does not apply if any person under lvl 100 is killing anotherone under lvl 100 aswell!

9. Pretending to be Admin or Game Master to other members of the Administration Staff will be strictly prohibited! the only way to get admin/gm is by applying for it on forums. Pretending will lead you to instant IP and Account ban!

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